مرشحات أسئلة الادب في انكليزي السادس الاعدادي

مرشحات انكليزي صف السادس اعدادي الخاص بـ الادب (كاثرين والارجوحه والكناري)

الاسئلة المهمه والمركزه والمرشحه في ادب السادس اعدادي بفرعية العلمي والادبي للامتحانات الوزاريه
مرشحات سادس اعدادي بفرعيه الخاص بالادب في مادة اللغة الانكليزية

مرشحات كاثرين

1-When did Katherine Mansfield become famous?

-She became famous in 1908 when she moved back to London.

2-Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a ( wealthy/poor) family.

3-The Canary was written by(Mohammed Khudair/ Katherine Mansfield)

4-Where was Katherine Mansfield born?

-in New Zealand.

5-Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?

-She remains famous for her collections of poems and short stories, especially Bliss and The Garden Party

6-Who is Katherine Mansfield?

-She is a well-known modernist writer from New Zealand.

7-Why did Katherine Mansfield move to Lonon in 1903?

-She moved to London to study music at Queen's College

8-Katherine Mansfield was the author of the canary.

9-What does the woman suffer from?

-She suffered from loneliness.

مرشحات الكناري

1- How does the Story of “ The Canary” end?

-- the story ends sadly.

2-People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures.

3-Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman? Why?

-Yes, because she needs to live with other creatures.

4-Why was the woman in "The Canary” happy to have the canary?

-Because the canary made her forget her loneliness.

5-Where did the woman in “The Canary” use to hang the canary cage?

-on the big nail to the right of the front door.

6-What was the canary to the woman?

-He was perfect company

7-What did the woman in "The Canary" suffer from loneliness

8-How did the woman in "The Canary" describe her heart after the death of the Canary as hollow.

9-In "The Canary" what were the people carried away by?

-by the wonderful singing of the canary.

10-Why did the woman's heart feel hollow?

-Because the canary died

مرشحات الارجوحه

1-The Swing "is one of the best short stories about war. (True/False)

2-The two main characters in "The Swing" are Sattar and Haleema

3-"The Swing" was written (before/after) the summer 1967 war.

4-The visitor described the child's father as smoke.

5-What does the story of "The Swing" stress on?

-War destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.

6-What does "The Swing" tell about?

-The Swing tells about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for the family of his friend who was killed in battle

7-Sattar and Haleema ate a loaf of bread before lunch

8-How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?

-He tried to convince the child that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she closes her eyes

9-Why did Sattar come to his friend's house?

-To tell Ali's family that his friend, Ali, was killed in battle.

10- In 1967 a war happened between Israel and Arab homeland.

11-When did Mohammad Khudair write the swing?

-He wrote it after the summer 1967 war against Israel

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